How It Works
Add text-to-speech to your website in just 3 simple steps
Add the Script
Add our script to your webpage's HTML:
<script src=""></script>
Mark Your Content
Use markers to specify which content should be read:
<div id="abenastart"></div>
Your content here...
<div id="abenaend"></div>
That's it! The TTS player will automatically appear and handle the rest.
Try It Out
Sample Article
This is a demonstration of the Abena AI text-to-speech system. Any text placed between the special markers will be automatically converted to speech.
You can use this feature to make your content more accessible and engaging for your users. Try clicking the play button to hear how it sounds!
Pro Tips
Skip Sections
Use abenaignore
and abenaignore-end
to skip parts of your content.
Automatic Initialization
The player appears automatically - no extra code needed!